Transforming Lives in Health & Faith

Transforming Lives in Health & Faith

Doug Wood & Thea Wood

Doug & Thea’s Story


In the spring of 2000, we committed our lives to one another. What started with owning retail furniture stores in Beaverton, Oregon, evolved into a life dedicated to health, education, and empowering others. From overcoming personal health challenges to inspiring communities worldwide, our journey reflects a commitment to living fully and helping others do the same.

Doug Wood & Thea Wood

Our Mission


Our mission is to empower individuals to become the best versions of themselves. Whether through our health coaching with Optavia, our educational pursuits with Valor Global Online, or as sought-after authors and speakers, we have shared our inspiring journeys and spiritual insights with audiences at large events all over the country.

Our mission as a family is to be the hands & feet of Jesus in our community that ripples out to the world. We were both raised by faith-filled parents, although we grew up in two totally different parts of America. From the cornfields of Iowa to the mountain ranges of Oregon we encountered the love of God from a very young age and experienced the transforming power of Jesus in our teenage years. We decided to leave religion behind years ago and let our authentic faith be the cornerstone of our lives and ministry.

Doug Wood & Thea Wood
Doug Wood & Thea Wood Family

Faith and Family


Our faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of our lives and work. We have found after traveling to 30 nations, we are all more alike than different. It is amazing to watch the pursuit of God on humanity. We choose to live our lives as a way to show the love of Christ.

We believe that a thriving life stems from the strength of the family unit. Early in our parenting journey, we discovered the profound impact of genuine, eye-to-eye engagement with our children, Amaya, Katelyn, and Phoenix. We've learned the importance of pausing and connecting at our children's level, guiding them in mastering their emotions and self-regulation. 

The Wood family values are deeply rooted in taking personal responsibility, integrity, generosity, and the continuous development of emotional intelligence. We are dedicated to nurturing our children’s faith, instilling in them a life marked by love, joy, peace, and faithfulness, under the power of the Holy Spirit. 

The Hive Fit Club is our latest venture, born from a vision to create a world-class facility centered around health, connection, and community.

This state of the art world-class gym & spa is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. It's not just a gym and spa but a place where people can come together to grow, support, and inspire each other. It’s more than a gym, it’s an experience.

Hive Fit Club: Doug Wood & Thea Wood
Hive Fit Club

Join Our Journey


Our lives are a testament to the belief that embracing challenges and pursuing growth leads to a fulfilling life. From traveling all over the world, going on a nationwide speaking tour, to competing in fitness shows, we're always seeking new ways to push ourselves and others towards living to the fullest.

We invite you to join us on this journey of health, faith, innovation, and empowerment. Together, we can make a lasting impact and create a world filled with purpose, love, and connection.


Join Our Journey


Our lives are a testament to the belief that embracing challenges and pursuing growth leads to a fulfilling life. From traveling all over the world, going on a nationwide speaking tour, to competing in fitness shows, we're always seeking new ways to push ourselves and others towards living to the fullest.

We invite you to join us on this journey of health, faith, innovation, and empowerment. Together, we can make a lasting impact and create a world filled with purpose, love, and connection.